La fantastica voce di Elvis,,(range vocale unica)

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00domenica 20 agosto 2017 09:02
50 voci in UNA !!..come dire per fare un vogliono 50 cantanti..

'Elvis Presley has been described variously as a baritone and a tenor. An extraordinary compass- the so-called register, and a very wide range of vocal color have something to do with this divergence of opinion. The voice covers two octaves and a third, from the baritone low-G to the tenor high B, with an upward extension in falsetto to at least a D flat. Presley's best octave is in the middle, D-flat to D-flat, granting an extra full step up or down. Call him a high baritone. In 'It's now or never', (1960), he ends it in a full voice cadence (A, G, F), that has nothing to do with the vocal devices of R&B and Country. That A-note is hit right on the nose, and it is rendered less astonishing only by the number of tracks where he lands easy and accurate B-flats. Moreover, he has not been confined to one type of vocal production. In ballads and country songs, he belts out full-voiced high G's and A's that an opera baritone might envy. He is a naturally assimilative stylist with a multiplicity of voices - in fact, Elvis' is an extraordinary voice or many voices'. (Henry Pleasants, in his book 'The Great American Popular Singers' 1974).

The Fifty Voices of Elvis Presley
'Elvis' lowest effective note was a low-G, as heard on 'He'll Have To Go' (1976); on 'King Creole' (1958), he growls some low-F's; going up, his highest full-voiced notes were the high-B's in 'Surrender' (1961) and 'Merry Christmas Baby' (1971), the high-G at the end of 'My Way' (1976 live version), and the high-A of 'An American Trilogy' (1972); using falsetto, Elvis could reach at least a high-E, e.g, as in 'Unchained Melody' (1977), so, it was very nearly a three-octave range, although more practically two-and-a-half'.
No wonder Elvis is responsible for the sale of so many records, for who could do that, by sounding the same.
I've found that Presley gave us, in his twenty-three-year career, about fifty voices, from the bottom to the top registries. Incidentally, there is no trend, chronologically, as to why this was possible.
In other words, Elvis Presley could go to the bottom, then to the top, not just within the same recording session, but within a song, actually. It has little to do with his aging process and a lot to do with, on the one hand, his having a highly unusual center of gravity, on the vocal registry side and, on the other, his endless search and willingness to sing better, as his career progressed.
So different are Elvis' voices, that if one could find a person who has never heard an Elvis Presley recording, and you put him, or her, on an island, then had that person listen to these fifty songs, mixed with say, those of 12 other distinctive singers, and then you then ask him or her, to classify them, to separate the singers, I could bet a million dollars that the person would never say that there are 13 singers, as would be the case, but at least 25. So below the titles of 50 Elvis Presley renditions yielding as many different voices.
The following list is from the lower to the higher registries.
He'll Have To Go (1976)
King Creole (1958)
Blue Moon (1954)
Baby, Let's Play House (1955)
Anyway You Want Me (That's How I Will Be) (1956)
Low To Middle
Lawdy Miss Clawdy (1956)
Such A Night (1960)
It Hurts Me (1964)
There's Always Me (1961)
Blue Suede Shoes (1956)
Jailhouse Rock (1957)
Santa Claus Is Back In Town (1957)
If I Can Dream (1968)
Miracle Of The Rosary (1971)
I Want You, I Need You, I Love You (1956)
Milky White Way (1961)
Hard Headed Woman (1958)
Don't Be Cruel (1956)
Treat Me Nice (1957)
One-sided Love Affair (1956)
Viva Las Vegas (1964)
Middle To High
Are You Lonesome Tonight? (1960)
Guitar Man (1968)
Got A Lot O' Living To Do (1957)
Anyplace Is Paradise (1956)
Mystery Train (1955)
Milkcow Blues Boogie (1954)
Wearin' That Loved On Look (1969)
Any Day Now (1969)
In The Ghetto (1969)
Hound Dog (1956)
My Baby Left Me (1956)
Stranger In My Own Home Town (1969)
An American Trilogy (1972)
It's Impossible (1972)
I Need You So (1957)
Money Honey (1956)
I Believe In The Man In The Sky (1960)
Suspicious Minds (1969)
It's Now Or Never (1960)
Hurt (1976)
Trying To Get To You (1955)
Heartbreak Hotel (1956)
Burning Love (1972)
Promised Land (1975)
A Big Hunk O' Love (1958)
That's All Right Mama (1954)
How Great Thou Art (1976)
You mean that's all the same guy?
I introduced my grandson to Elvis Presley songs by way of the cassette 'Elvis A Legendary Performer, Volume 4' which includes When It Rains, It Really Pours; One Night; I'm Beginning to Forget You; Mona Lisa; Plantation Rock; Swing Down Sweet Chariot; The Lady Loves Me; Wooden Heart; That's All Right; Are You Lonesome Tonight?; Reconsider Baby; and I'll Remember You. Even at age 9 my grandson had a good ear. With great surprise he blurted, 'You mean that's all the same guy?' (From Kathleen L : United States).
Read more about Elvis Presleys vocal ability at ....
Elvis Presley : A Musical Prodigy
Elvis was a genius. He didn't express himself the way the middle classes do, which is with word play and being able to explain his actions and reactions. He acted on gut instinct and expressed himself by the way he held the microphone, by the way he moved his hips, by the way that he sang down the microphone. That was his genius ... I believe the essence of any performer is gut instinct ... Because it's all in you, it's instinct.
Elvis' musical style, as a musician and impact as a vocalist and stage performer
Elvis' musical style, as a musician and impact as a vocalist and stage performer. Included below are over 100 comments currently available either on the internet, in reference guides, encyclopedias, or books, made by:
The Fifty Voices of Elvis Presley
'Elvis' lowest effective note was a low-G, as heard on 'He'll Have To Go' (1976); on 'King Creole' (1958), he growls some low-F's; going up, his highest full-voiced notes were the high-B's in 'Surrender' (1961) and 'Merry Christmas Baby' (1971), the high-G at the end of 'My Way' (1976 live version), and the high-A of 'An American Trilogy' (1972); using falsetto, Elvis could reach at least a high-E, e.g, as in 'Unchained Melody' (1977), so, it was very nearly a three-octave range, although more practically two-and-a-half'.
No wonder Elvis is responsible for the sale of so many records, for who could do that, by sounding the same.
00domenica 20 agosto 2017 11:58
Queste cose bisognerebbe farle leggere a Luzzato Fegiz e ai suoi discepoli.
00domenica 20 agosto 2017 14:15
[SM=g8149] bene
00martedì 16 aprile 2019 22:38
Non mi ero mai addentrata nelle questioni tecniche della voce di Elvis, ma spiegata così la cosa è ancora più impressionante! Cinquanta voci, wow... è un superpotere! :)
00martedì 16 aprile 2019 23:02
61 anni fa...
nulla di nuovo per me che Elvis lo ascolto oltre 60 anni !!
i miei primi dischi li comperai nel 1958 !!..e non ho mai smesso di farlo!! 61 anni dopo.
00giovedì 18 aprile 2019 20:57
1958 inizi della mia collezione
00giovedì 18 aprile 2019 21:51
Re: 1958 inizi della mia collezione
B-PAUSE, 18/04/2019 20.57:

Per curiosità:
quanto costavano in negozio i 45 giri e i 33 giri nel 1958 ?
00giovedì 18 aprile 2019 22:13
Re: 1958 inizi della mia collezione
B-PAUSE, 18/04/2019 20.57:

Bruno, per caso da qualche parte nel forum hai già parlato dell'inizio del tuo amore per Elvis? Io sono curiosa di sapere proprio che tipo di emozioni hai provato quando l'hai sentito per la prima volta! Hai intuito fin da subito che questa passione ti avrebbe accompagnato per tutta la vita?
Io se solo provo a mettermi nei tuoi panni mi emoziono un sacco! Una vita intera con Elvis... Chissà che tenerezza tenere tra le mani il tuo primo disco di Elvis! Ma sto fantasticando, mi piacerebbe sentirlo da te, magari c'è già qualche discussione in cui hai condiviso queste cose...
00giovedì 18 aprile 2019 22:16
Intendo chissà che tenerezza adesso, dopo quasi sessant'anni e migliaia di dischi collezionati!
00giovedì 18 aprile 2019 22:41
Irina:), 18/04/2019 22.16:

Intendo chissà che tenerezza adesso, dopo quasi sessant'anni e migliaia di dischi collezionati!

se cerchi qui nel nostro sito..troverai quanto mi chiedi..e molto molto di più chi cerca trova.

piccola parziale risposta:
mi convinsi che Elvis aveva la voce più completa e bella di tutti,quando ascoltai per la prima volta "ONE NIGHT" fuori da un juke-box in un bar via madonnina (a trieste)..lo ricordo come fosse adesso.

P.S. One Night non era la prima canzone che ascoltavo era solo quella che mi fece capire chi era ELVIS..e che mi avrebbe accompagnato per i prossimi decenni della mia vita..e così è stato.
00giovedì 18 aprile 2019 23:24
Allora spulcerò negli archivi del forum... Intanto ti ringrazio per aver già condiviso un piccolo ma importante pezzo della storia "Bruno & Elvis" :) L'altro giorno sono capitata su una discussione con varie tue foto "d'epoca" che mi hanno acceso la curiosità, e anche leggendo alcuni tuoi aneddoti mi sono fatta l'idea che Elvis abbia reso la tua vita molto "pittoresca".
Per quanto riguarda la mia, Elvis ha contribuito a darle quello sprint in più, è quasi come se Elvis fosse diventato un aggettivo per descrivere me stessa, incredibile! O una parte del corpo, eh sì perchè io ho due occhi, un naso, una bocca, un Elvis... va be', mi scuso con chi legge, ho sonno e inizio a vaneggiare...
Grazie ancora!
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